5.6. Log file

Log file of the simulation (*.log)

nextnano.MSB v1.0.1(B9)
Wednesday, 2014-11-05, 14:22:02.
Parsing command line
License: E:\nextnano\nextnano GmbH\nextnano.MSB\nextnano.MSB - Release beta 9 - my\License\License.xml
Filename: E:\nextnano output\THz_QCL_NovelDesignPeterGreck_1period\THz_QCL_NovelDesignPeterGreck_1period.xml
Output: E:\nextnano output\THz_QCL_NovelDesignPeterGreck_1period
Materials: E:\nextnano\nextnano GmbH\nextnano.MSB\nextnano.MSB - Release beta 9 - my\nextnano.MSB\x64\..\Materials.xml
Materials: E:\nextnano\nextnano GmbH\nextnano.MSB\nextnano.MSB - Release beta 9 - my\nextnano.MSB\Materials_THz_QCL_NovelDesignPeterGreck_no_Varshni.xml
Checking license "E:\nextnano\nextnano GmbH\nextnano.MSB\nextnano.MSB - Release beta 9 - my\License\License.xml"
License info
Name: Stefan Birner
Email: abc@def.com
Expiration: Wednesday, 2014-12-31
    MSB-1Band, OutputAvs, OutputGnuPlt.
Hardware concurrency: 8 <== Returns the number of hardware thread contexts.
Loading "E:\nextnano GmbH\nextnano.MSB\nextnano.MSB - Release beta 9 - my\nextnano.MSB\Materials_THz_QCL_NovelDesignPeterGreck_no_Varshni.xml"
Database info
    Materials: 12 [#]
    Names: GaAsAlAs, InAs, InSb, GaSb,
        AlGaAs, AlGaAs_bowing_high, AlGaAs_bowing_low, InGaAs,
        GaAsSb, InAlAs, InAsSb
Loading "E:\nextnano output\THz_QCL_NovelDesignPeterGreck_1period\THz_QCL_NovelDesignPeterGreck_1period.xml"
Header info

Here the information written in the input file within Header is printed.


Information on variables and sweeps, such as temperatue sweep T = 100,250.

Variables info
    QWDoping = 3e16
    QW_width_1 = 7.35
    Barrier_width_high = 2.1
    BarrierHigh = 0.27
    T = 100,250

Information on parameter sweep, such as temperature T = 100.

Parameter sweep step 1 of 2
Variables info
    QWDoping = 3e+016
    QW_width_1 = 7.35
    Barrier_width_high = 2.1
    BarrierHigh = 0.27
    T = 100
Output info
    Directory: E:\nextnano output\THz_QCL_NovelDesignPeterGreck_1period
Device info
    Temperature: 100 [K]
    Grid info
    Spacing: 0.5 [nm]

The following information on the layers is only printed if -debug 1 is specified as command line argument.

Layer info
Width: 4.5 [nm]
Doping: 3e-005 [nm^-3]
AdjustBandedge: yes [yes|no]
Probes: 100 [%]
Material info
    Base: GaAs
Layer info
Width: 2.25 [nm]
Doping: 0 [nm^-3]
AdjustBandedge: yes [yes|no]
Probes: 100 [%]
Material info
    Base: AlGaAs
    AlloyX: 27 [%]
Layer info
Width: 7.25 [nm]
Doping: 0 [nm^-3]
AdjustBandedge: yes [yes|no]
Probes: 100 [%]
Material info
    Base: GaAs

Information on the Source and Drain leads.

    Lead info
    Name: Source
    Voltage info
        Value: 0 [V]
    Lead info
    Name: Drain
    Voltage info
        Initial: 0 [V]
        Delta: 0.036 [V]
        Steps: 2 [#]
        Cluster: Center
Initialize Device

The following information is only printed if -debug 1 is specified as command line argument.

Width: 4.5 [nm]
Nodes: 18 => Effective width 4.5nm (Error=0%)
Material GaAs
    Mass: 0.067 [m0]
        Offset: -1.519 [eV]
        Gap: 1.519 [eV]
        Alpha: 0 [eV/K]
        Beta: 0 [K]
    EpsStatic: 12.93 [eps_0]
Width: 2.25 [nm]

Automatic adjustment of layer width and height.

Nodes: 9 => Effective width 2.25nm (Error=0%)

Error is related to AdjustBandedge feature. Here, grid spacing is 0.25 [nm] which is optimal. Therefore the Error is 0%.

Nodes: 5 => Effective width 2.5nm (Error=11.1111%)

Here, grid spacing is 0.50 [nm] which is too coarse to resolve the layer width. Therefore the Error is larger than 0%.

Material AlGaAs
    Alloy: 27% of AlAs and 73% of GaAs
    Mass: 0.08941 [m0]
        Offset: -1.6621 [eV]
        Gap: 1.90092 [eV]
        Alpha: 0 [eV/K]
        Beta: 0 [K]
    EpsStatic: 12.1562 [eps_0]

The following information is only printed if -debug 1 is specified as command line argument.

Material AlGaAs_bowing_high
Alloy: 27% of AlAs and 73% of GaAs
Mass: 0.08941 [m0]
Offset: -1.6621 [eV]
Gap: 1.90092 [eV]
Alpha: 0 [eV/K]
Beta: 0 [K]
EpsStatic: 12.1562 [eps_0]
Width: 7.25 [nm]
Nodes: 15 => Effective width 7.5nm (Error=3.44828%)

Log file continues…

    Building parameter grids
    Total nodes: 98 [#]
    Building cluster maps
        Center: 28 -> 65 [#]
        QCL: 28 -> 65 [#]
    Lead "Source"
    Voltage is fixed at 0 V
    Lead "Drain"
    Cluster factor: 2.57895
    Voltage from 0 mV to 92.8421 mV in 2 steps
Kernel info
    MaxGreenIts: 25
    MaxGreenDelta: 3e-07
    MaxProbeIts: 15
    MaxProbeNorm: 1e-009 [A/cm^2]
    MaxPoissonOuterIts: 25
    MaxPoissonInnerIts: 15
    MaxPoissonDensityNorm: 1e+009 [1/cm^3]
    MaxPoissonCorrectorNorm: 0.0001 [V]
    Core info
    IterativeProbes: 0
    Flatband: 0
    Scattering strength
        Const: 0 [eV]
        BP: 0 [eV]
        MSB: 1 []
    Gain info
    PhotonEnergyInitial: 0.001 [eV]
    PhotonEnergyFinal: 0.03 [eV]
    PhotonEnergySteps: 117 [#]
    Cluster: Center
    Building Hamiltonian

Voltage sweep step starts and MSB self-consistency cycle.

Voltage sweep step 1 of 2
    Voltage info
    Source: 0 [V]
    Drain: 0 [V]

    MSB self-consistency cycle
    it= 1, norm2=2.478388e+003 [%]
            normI=6.779549e+001 [%]
    it= 2, norm2=3.960580e+002 [%]
            normI=2.362588e+001 [%]
    it= 5, norm2=7.928989e-001 [%]
            normI=3.995536e-002 [%]
    Calculating Green's functions
    Poisson iteration 0
    it= 0, norm2=1.836019e+017 [cm^-3]
            normI=2.943621e+016 [cm^-3]
            charge=17 [%]
    it= 1, norm2=1.511046e+018 [cm^-3]
            normI=3.661754e+017 [cm^-3]
            charge=1024 [%]
    it= 7, norm2=1.771342e+007 [cm^-3]
            normI=4.557251e+006 [cm^-3]
            charge=100 [%]
    Corrector: norm2=1.661272e-001 [V]
                normI=1.766968e-002 [V]
    Writing output
    Density of States
    Carrier Density
    Current Density
    Consistency checks
    DOS: 1.032193e-013 [1/eV/nm]

This DOS value is MAX( ABS(DOS_total - DOS_Source - DOS_Drain - DOS_Probes) ). It must be (numerically) zero.

    Current: 0.000000e+000 [A/cm^2]
    Current: nrm2=1.311401e-011 [A/cm^2]
    Current: nrmi=8.209396e-012 [A/cm^2]
    Current: diff=1.244363e-013 [A/cm^2]

    MSB self-consistency cycle
     it= 1, norm2=4.457296e+002 [%]
            normI=2.933419e+001 [%]
    it= 4, norm2=1.054857e-001 [%]
            normI=6.648939e-003 [%]
    Calculating Green's functions
    Poisson iteration 1
    it= 0, norm2=1.920755e+015 [cm^-3]
            normI=7.899763e+014 [cm^-3]
            charge=100 [%]
    it= 2, norm2=2.411963e+005 [cm^-3]
            normI=1.151118e+005 [cm^-3]
            charge=100 [%]
    Corrector: norm2=1.587036e-004 [V]
                normI=3.504813e-005 [V]
    Calculating optical gain
    Setup gain calculation
    Calculate Green's functions
    Calculate gain for photon energies
    Write output
    Writing output
    Density of States
    Carrier Density
    Current Density
    Consistency checks
    DOS: -4.641658e-007 [1/eV/nm]
    Current: 0.000000e+000 [A/cm^2]
    Current: nrm2=5.709931e-011 [A/cm^2]
    Current: nrmi=3.783379e-011 [A/cm^2]
    Current: diff=1.383798e-012 [A/cm^2]
Duration of Voltage Step
    Duration in seconds: 16
    Duration in hours, minutes, seconds: 0h, 0', 16''
Voltage sweep step 2 of 2
    Voltage info
    Source: 0 [V]
    Drain: 0.0928421 [V]
    MSB self-consistency cycle
    Voltage drop=100 [%]
    Writing output
    it= 3, norm2=3.391875e+005 [cm^-3]
            normI=9.720889e+004 [cm^-3]
            charge=100 [%]
    Corrector: norm2=6.652502e-003 [V]
                normI=9.127917e-004 [V]
    Voltage drop=105 [%]
    Calculating Green's functions
    Probe calculation

Second Poisson iteration starts. It is related to MaxPoissonOuterIts. Make sure that this number is not exceeded!

    Poisson iteration 2
    it= 0, norm2=5.254027e+015 [cm^-3]
    it= 2, norm2=3.598211e+005 [cm^-3]
            normI=1.012272e+005 [cm^-3]
            charge=100 [%]
    Corrector: norm2=7.631612e-005 [V]
                normI=8.710143e-006 [V]
    Voltage drop=100 [%]
    Calculating optical gain
    Setup gain calculation
    Calculate Green's functions
    Calculate gain for photon energies
    Write output
    Writing output
    Density of States
    Carrier Density
    Current Density
Consistency checks
    DOS: -7.571542e-007 [1/eV/nm]
    Current: 3.251042e+003 [A/cm^2]
    Current: nrm2=2.033016e-007 [A/cm^2]
    Current: nrmi=4.489969e-008 [A/cm^2]
    Current: diff=4.750423e-008 [A/cm^2]
Duration of Voltage Step
    Duration in seconds: 31
    Duration in hours, minutes, seconds: 0h, 0', 31''
Duration of Parameter Sweep Step
Duration in seconds: 47
Duration in hours, minutes, seconds: 0h, 0', 47''

Parameter sweep step for T = 250 [K].

Parameter sweep step 2 of 2
Variables info
    QWDoping = 3e+016
    T = 250
Write output
    Writing output
    Density of States
    Carrier Density
    Current Density
Consistency checks
    DOS: -1.721273e-006 [1/eV/nm]
    Current: 3.285627e+003 [A/cm^2]
    Current: nrm2=5.173793e-009 [A/cm^2]
    Current: nrmi=1.212275e-009 [A/cm^2]
    Current: diff=1.152515e-009 [A/cm^2]

Information on simulation time for Voltage Step, Parameter Sweep Step and Main Program.

Duration of Voltage Step
Duration in seconds: 34
Duration in hours, minutes, seconds: 0h, 0', 34''
Duration of Parameter Sweep Step
Duration in seconds: 50
Duration in hours, minutes, seconds: 0h, 0', 50''

Wednesday, 2014-11-05, 14:23:39.
Duration of Main Program
Duration in seconds: 97
Duration in hours, minutes, seconds: 0h, 1', 37''